You Need Real Products. You Need Real Drop ship Wholesalers. You Need a Worldwide Brands Membership. Here is a special Recession beating offer. You Need this Now in this economic climate. It's the first payment plan ever offered by Worldwide Brands.
Read this article by Chris Malta the CEO of Worldwide Brands, and if you are serious about selling real products at more than competitive prices then You better take action Now.
"Now you can get started with the 'Product Sourcing Membership' with over 6 million wholesale products and our premium education product, 'The Whole Sale' for only $99 down. You’ll make easy payments of $133 over the next 3 months, but start enjoying the benefits for your eBiz right NOW.
There are 2 reasons why we're doing this...
Reason #1: We just finished surveying over 10,000 people who signed up for our "Beat The Recession with eCommerce" series and almost 80% of them didn't know what products they would be selling this holiday season.
It's a mistake that could cost thousands of dollars in sales and profits. Experienced retailers know that right now is the time to get your orders in to the wholesalers. Not a few months from now.
If you wait, you could miss out on the 2008 holiday season and you'll have to wait until next year.
Each year, the holiday season is the time most retailers make the bulk of their profits.
You definitely don't want to miss out on it. Click here to find the products you want to sell this holiday season and to get your orders in with the wholesalers.
Reason #2: We want to give you some financial relief.
Even though we showed you example after example of retailers making record profits through the recession, we still heard from people who are little afraid to get
started right now. We understand.
So, in addition to giving you a payment plan that makes it easier to get your eCommerce business moving, we're going to give you a $200 discount on everything.
You can read about it HERE:
We obviously can't keep this offer open forever. It's only available through this coming Monday night, June 30, 2008. When the clock strikes midnight (Eastern standard Time)this Monday, the offer will expire.
Take advantage of this right now. It's the best offer we've ever made".
Here are the full details.
To your online success.
Friday, 27 June 2008
Thinking Real eCommerce? You Need Real Products. Real Dropship Wholesalers!
Posted by The WordSmith at 18:18 0 comments
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
How to Build an E-Biz on a Budget: 4 Start-up Tips for the ECommerce Entrepreneur
by Chris Malta & Robin Cowie
Many online sellers start their businesses from a position of necessity. They need a steady income, but they lack start-up funds, and have little-to-no retail experience or technical expertise. However, according to Shawna Fennell, president of, those things aren’t mandatory for an Internet entrepreneur to succeed. Tells Fennell, “When I started my first E-Biz, I was a newly-single mom. I had nothing but my babies and the clothes we left the house with. Several years later, I’ve got seven or eight very profitable retail sites, and an E-Biz consulting practice. If I can do it, anybody can do it.”
Easy Entry
If you’re considering coming online, but know nothing about eCommerce and can’t afford to lose any money, Fennell shares several tips to help alleviate the stress in your transition into online sales:
• Consider starting out with a storefront on a reputable selling venue, such as Yahoo! or eBay. They’re easy to set up, even without a proficiency in coding. You can easily get started selling without hiring a web designer, programmer, or SEO consultant – much more easily than with an independent web site.
• Drop shipping is an ideal product sourcing model when you begin retailing online. Whenever your customers place their orders with you, you turn around and place those orders with your drop ship supplier. Your supplier then sends those products from their warehouse directly to your customers’ homes. You only pay your drop shipper when your customers pay you, so you don’t have to invest money you don’t have into inventory that might not sell.
• You may not have a great deal of money to spend on search engine optimization, but you can still do well in the natural rankings if you concentrate on giving the search engines what they really want: original, quality content. New E-Biz owners often make the mistake of posting the template product descriptions their suppliers provide. But if a hundred sellers use the same product description, the search engines will see a hundred identical listings and only bring back one of those stores in the results. That’s why each of your products needs its own unique copy. Even if you have hundreds of products, you can work on a set number a day until you’ve written a fresh, unique description for every item.
• While you wait for your SEO efforts to pay off, you may have to invest in some Pay Per Click ads to bring customers into your store. Fennell recommends advertising on a shopping search engine, rather than a traditional search engine. Typically, the cost is lower, and the conversion is higher. Your Google ad may bring in ten times more clicks per day than your ad on a shopping search engine, but you’re going to see about the same number of sales resulting from those clicks. And with the shopping engine, you’re only paying for one-tenth of the clicks.
Walking the Walk
Opening an E-Biz isn’t a magic bullet, or a quick fix for all your financial woes, but it is a low-risk, low-investment opportunity for anyone willing to do the work. The key is to set realistic goals and take practical steps to make them happen. As Fennell points out, “It takes consistency and it takes time, but it can be done. If someone is prepared to study, to apply the things they learn, and – most of all – to stick to it, they can build an online business and be very successful with it.”
BIOGRAPHY: Product Sourcing Radio is Created and Hosted by Chris Malta and Robin Cowie of, Home of OneSource: The Internet's Largest Source of Genuine, Factory-Direct Wholesalers for online sellers. Click Here for more FREE E-Biz & Product Sourcing info!
Posted by The WordSmith at 23:02 1 comments
4 Rules for New Entrepreneurs - Practical Tips for Starting Right
by Chris Malta & Robin Cowie
If you sell on Amazon®, Yahoo!®, eBay®, or your own website; a Worldwide Brands Membership is the ONLY Source you’ll ever need. |
Posted by The WordSmith at 22:46 1 comments