Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! I found it! OOhh praise God! I found it!
(the year? 1997!)
"Joe, hey Joe, wake up, wake up. what is it? What have you found? What's going on?" Then my eyes opened and I looked straight at my wife who had just woken me up. As I got more awake I too asked her what was happening. Then she said to me, "you have been shouting excitedly 'eureka! eureka!' and you woke me up. What is it that you have found, do you know what time this is?" "Never mind the time", I said to her, "it is real, Maggie, it is real". "What is real?", she asked me, "what are you talking about? Are you ok or you are having a bad dream?" She asked me. Then I began to speak to her as one who had authority concerning what I had just discovered, the internet.
You see my dear I was not dreaming, the lord took me in a vision. He gave me an opportunity to have a glimpse of His gift to mankind, just as he had prophesied to the prophet Daniel several thousand years ago about the increase in knowledge in the world. We are in that era where knowledge has increased exponentially and it keeps multiplying everyday. The internet is a wonderful discovery of our time and my prayer is that humanity will treasure this gift. It is not out of our intellect that this has come, no, it is a wonderful gift from the Lord for us to use wisely for positive development of our communities which the internet is linking into what we are now calling the global village. You see, we are only able to 'shrink' the world much more effectively by using the internet. Just imagine I do not have to travel all the way from Zambia to Europe, America or Asia for me to attend a meeting or indeed do business or preach! I can be right here at home with you and be in a 'live' meeting anywhere in the world. A specialist doctor can be in his surgery in the US but attending to a very sick patient somewhere in the jungles of Asia. That is how useful this internet thing is meant to be.
Then Maggie looked at me and said, "I have heard there are many evil things going on there, I mean on the internet do you want to...". Before she could fininsh I said to her, "You see my dear, wherever good abounds, evil will also come and encroach. Remember the story of Job in the bible? He was good but Satan went to the Lord and said all manner of evil just to get Job destroyed. But you see the ending of Job's life? He was focused on the truth in God and the Lord rewarded him. Man is in the same shoes as Satan, always wanting to manifest more evil than good. Look at all the wars from time immemorial. Man has failed to live in harmony with himself. We create all manner of evil things to fight the good in us. Just check out the amount of money the world spends on weaponry for killing man compared to what is alloted to taking care of the needy in our world. I will leave that to your good judgement!" But even though Man has elements within him that always lead him into wanting to self destruct, on our part we must focus on the truth that is in the internet. Yes there's a lot of good in it and I truly believe the internet is a great gift from our Lord for us to use wisely and who knows when everyone's eyes become open to the truth it shall surely triumph over the bad which is making the good people shy away from being part of the cyberworld!
So, I continued to explain to my dear Maggie that what I had discovered in the internet was a tool that all of us good minded people can make use of to improve our lot so that we can become better citizens of our world. Look at the amount of information and the technology available to us through the internet. With the internet we can trully be our brothers' keeper. With the internet we can cover every area of our lives such as in communication, health, spirituality, all manner of technology, including matters of climate change! the list goes on and on. You know as we collectively collaborate on the internet in truth we will begin to 'walk in agreement' with one another. We will begin to feel close to each other, break the artificial barriers, have love for one another and then who knows, we will together confront the common enemy and find lasting peace and prosperity. This could be the 'last frontier'.
So I have decided to enter this cyberworld in order to be part of the solution, to contribute to the well being of my fellow citizens of this global village. To be of benefit to those that I will be able to appeal and reach out to. So I welcome you dear visitor to my site. I pray that as much as I want to reach out to you and be of benefit to you I will appreciate if we could truly dialogue you and me through this blog, meaning I welcome your 'constructive' communication. Dialogue is two way so please leave a comment. If you feel like continuing in fellowship with me concerning the topics I will be posting here on matters of life on the internet (or is it life in cyberworld?) please subscribe to the e-mail feed on this site so that you do not miss a thing. I appreciate your doing so. God bless you and yours.
=====Begin side Note========
Recently I signed up for a work from home online business with the Lord's permission. Interestingly I have signed up with a company which was one of the few I took an interest in soon after my "eureka discovery" of the internet around 1996/97. At that time I felt a great potential in this company but well, I never did anything about it because it was not in my "line of business interest". Besides, I did not even understand the on-line terms anyway. But recently, nearly 10 years on, I decided to check them out again. Surprise, surprise, the company is still alive and growing still no hype, just as I saw and felt then.
The line of products is truly impressive and being an IT man myself I see a lot of integrity in this company's products which include website designing (design your site without any html coding knowledge), hosting and more. I also think they have one of the best affiliate programs on-line too! Go sign up here. When I 'came back' to the internet recently, I knew the Lord had set me up again. I did not hesitate. I joined the affiliate program and bought the site builder product. Price? Reasonable I suppose, if you compare with some of the overly hyped products of the same type. The quality too is good. Hey..lemme not push you, after all seeing is believing right, yes? Yes! There is a lot here to benefit from, especially trust and integrity. If YOU have been thinking of "going on-line" but have questions, start from here. Go check them out. You won't regret. I am still happy and the support is fantastic!
====End side Note==========
Next topic, I will be voicing out my "feelings" on SPAM and Virus. This is enemy No.1 as far as my experience in cyber-kingdom goes.
Thank you.
The WordSmith.
Friday, 3 August 2007
Eureka! Eureka! I found it! Ifound it! ...
Posted by The WordSmith at 18:32 0 comments
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