Saturday, 29 September 2007

Does your merchant have what it takes...I mean quality and integrity?

... my short testimony...
Nearly 10 years ago, I came across a company that was marketing an all in one product which among others had website creation, hosting, domain registration etc..) Interestingly, I decided to check them out years after my discovery of the internet around 1996/97. At that time I saw great potential in this company but well, I never did anything about it because it was not in my "line of business interest" then. So recently, almost 10 years on, I went back to check them out and discovered that the company is still alive and growing. They have mellowed! They have no hype about them.

Their products are truly impressive and being an IT person myself, I see a lot of integrity in their line of products which include: site designing (you do this without knowing any coding), hosting and much more. They have one of the best online affiliate programs too! When I returned to the internet 'fulltime' recently, I knew this was it. I did not hesitate. I joined the affiliate program and bought the site builder product. The price is good too, considering the quality! But hey..lemme not push you, after all seeing is believing right? Yes? Yes! There is a lot here to be blessed with especially trust and integrity. Go check them out. You won't regret. I am still happy. The support is fantastic.
Check them out here: This is the one!

I pray Peace and Prosperity to YOU in abundance.

Affiliate Marketing, Do You have a brain and motivation?

I will dedicate some time to sharing some Reliable Affiliate Programs and tools for real business success. Let's face it we all want to succeed online but not just anyhow! Above all, we affiliates must please understand that there is no magic wand. No Harry Porter fantasies here. Just plain hard work. Nothing works magically. You NEED a Brain and Motivation in addition to hard work, so you must be a B.A.M. in the positive sense!
So to get started, check out content additions every so soon. If you require more reading material download the Affiliate Masters course -here; it is a wealth of info for you marketers.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

I am truly frustrated by spam and junk!

I am so frustrated! I am so frustrated it's driving me nuts! I mean I cannot stand this spam business any more. What is even more frustrating is the fact that there are no real solutions out there for me to get rid of spam once and for all. Everywhere I look communication has stopped being communication any more. Good people have been scared into retreat from spam and have found relief in creating cocoons of temporary relief from spam. I am talking about things like "thank you for subscribing to our blur blur blur, but please check your inbox to confirm it is really you!..." Aaahhh can someone quantify the lost resources in time and money due to spam/junk?

I want to throw a challenge to all you smart programmers. Can you come up with a lasting solution? Let me give you some ideas along these lines:
(1) - Create a program that will first of all identify the ISP address of the mail that I have classified as spam and I have junked it;
(2) - The program must crawl and identify the web host where the notorious spam has come from;
(3) Let the software send a "friendly" warning to the ISP and Web Host that an e-mail with IP address so and so is deemed offensive and can they exculpate themselves within 48 hours or else they will face a law suite whose primary emphasis will be to shut them down;
(4) The software should permanently block the offending IP address and bounce off every e-mail back to the sending ISP or Web host until they get so clogged up they must deal with this matter or else "we run them out of town!"
(5) The anti-spam software must be developed under open source arrangement and made available freely for home and personal use. A commercial version should also be developed but priced afford ably from which resources will be raised for continued development of this software.
(6) All the programmers to work on this project must be open minded and enthusiastic to move this project forward.
(7) etc. etc. etc.... If you have any feedback regarding this matter help me to resolve this problem. I am spending too much time looking and worrying about junk mail. The authors of e-mail software currently in use are not doing much otherwise we could have found a "spam/junk cure" by now!

I am truly frustrated.

Well for now at least,
I pray Peace and Prosperity to you in abundance

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Quality and Integrity...does your affiliate merchant have them? testimony

About 1999 I "discovered" the internet. At that time I had come across a Canadian internet company that was marketing an all in one product which among others had website creation, hosting, domain registration etc. Interestingly, I decided to check them out years after my discovery of the internet . At that time I saw great potential in this company but well, I never did anything about it because it was not in my "line of business interest" then. I was a full time IT manager in the corporate world. I did not need anything else, after all my career was anchored on solid pay-check foundation! But now, as an 'emerging entrepreneur' (not a newbie, please!), I decided almost 10 years on, to check them out again and discovered that the company is still alive and growing. They have mellowed! They have maintained a NO HYPE stance in their business. This greatly encouraged me to see that they have not faltered in the face of the internet pressure to make quick bucks at the cost of quality. The INTEGRITY AND QUALITY which I had noticed that time has become one of their pillars. This was and still is very encouraging, indeed!

Their products are truly impressive and being an IT person myself, I clearly see a lot of integrity in their line of products which include: site designing (you do this without knowing any coding), hosting and much more. They have one of the best online affiliate programs too! When I returned to the internet 'fulltime' recently, I knew this was it. I did not hesitate. I joined the affiliate program and bought the site builder product. The price is decent too, considering the quality! But hey..lemme not push you, after all seeing is believing right? Yes? Yes! There is a lot here to be blessed with especially trust and integrity. Take advantage of the integrity and quality and go check them out. You won't regret. I am still happy. The support is fantastic. A lot other products of similar type currently being hyped and overpriced on the internet by self acclaimed 'gurus' fall far short.
If you have been thinking about starting something online, check this one out: This is the one! Go see.

I pray Peace and Prosperity to YOU in abundance.

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Join the Army and Kill the Terror...s

In this our day, politicians of voice the world over are saying, "yes, we are joining the war against terror. We must get them wherever they are before they get us. We support the war on terror. So much resource power is being pooled to fight the terrorist and to make sure they do not come into our 'safe' territories". Surprisingly, we know where the big bad guys are but we can't get to them! They are grouping and re-grouping in ever large numbers and carrying out "missions" here and there and what do you know? ..these big bad guys are using weapon power from the 'safe' countries. How is it getting to them, when they are supposed to be isolated? Hey, I think we need to change strategy. We need to have focus ... with a special kind of bad guy focussed army....

Hello! Did I scare you with that little intro? Sorry, I did not mean to. That is how I view the cyberworld's 'siege situation' right now. I feel angry my dear friends and I want to take it off my chest and mayhap I will feel better. I am fed up. We cannot go on like this. Everywhere I look, or turn, or surf there is just spam, virus, trojan, worm, spyware lurking...! But I don't want to scream, "Hey stop the internet train, I wanna get off!" No, no, no I will hang in there and challenge all of us who make up cyberworld to get angry and fight the cyberworld terrorist. Let us join resources and kill spam and all his relatives. I have been scammed, spammed, virused, trojanned, spywared upon ...! I have lost data. I have lost hard disks. I have lost time. I have lost money in trying to reset my computer life. In summary, I have been inconvenienced. I cannot get online without a part of me having to be on the alert. This is wasteful. I need all my faculties to be at full blast to do that which I intend to accomplish the time I hook up. So it is only right I get angry Yes? So, can someone please set up an internet army? I want to enlist to fight the bad guys! Who will join me. You? Good. That makes the two of us. You also, you say whaat? Yes, yes everyone is welcome to enlist. Thank you for your enthusiasm for the internet army.

Listen to this. On a number of occassions I have signed up for one thing or other on what appeared to be a respectable site, especially ones that even had 'billboards' clearly announcing, "We hate spam just as much as you do and, we can never never sell your address details to anyone. Never! Not us." Two days downline I begin to see offers landing in my inbox from places I had never been. Did you see my opening story above. How are the terrorists getting the weaponry unless someone from the good world is aiding them? Same thing online. Worse still when it comes to cyberworld, spam and virus and all these related enemies are a source of money making opportunities for some. Another time I signed up for what I genuinely thought was a good newsletter which is managed through a respected listserver. I got the first one, two, three email newsletters one every other day. No problem. Then all hell broke loose! From this same one subscription, (not even from elsewhere) I started getting five, then seven then ten e-mails in ONE DAY!!!!!! All unrelated to my original subscription. I was angry. My 'privacy' was raided. I tried to send an e-mail to vent my anger, but most of you by now know that these things are just one way traffic. A good genuine subscription turned into SPAM! I continued to be spammed with this kind of 'official spam'! I tried contacting the Listserver but alas.. yes you guessed it... nothing doing. Anyway to cut a long story short I found a way of killing that terrorist at the root. And I breathed some cool air once again. Lesson for you? Don't take everything at face value. Checkout some of these places before you subscribe or indeed before you download anything, especially when you don't feel "too comfortable". Most of us in the affiliate business have a tendency to want more and more reports, info, software etc to convert more and make more and more money. But hey, be carefull out there. Don't become a bad guy for want of more sales.

======Time out========================
Talking about affiliate marketing if you are looking at joining another affiliate program, here is something worthwhile. Go check out the affiliate program on this site. It is my considered view that this is one of the best programs on the net, yet.

On the other hand, if you are about to set up a website, STOP! check this out. Everything under one roof, hosting, design software (you don't have to know html coding), search engine optimisation, just the whole works. Go see.
==========End time out=================

Today everyone in cyberworld is building fences. Subscribing to some good stuff these days is now a long process of sub and confirm. If you are downloading anything you just be careful that you are not also importing any of the internet terrorist! If you are surfing make sure your browser is not as naked as your birthday suit. You must be fully amoured. All fenced up. Wheeewww! What a life! Result? Cyberworld is living in fear. Fear from being exterminated by a common enemy. The internet terrorists. Who are these bad guys? We know them but we are not fighting them. We are accomodating them because someone somewhere sees this as a money making opportunity. We know these guys are online, spam, virus, trojan, worm spyware etc. But..!
Back in the days of the 'Wild West' some bad guys would ride into town and hold it up for a while, then from some 'corner' a good guy will appear all by himself and take on the bad guys and kick them out of town whilst all the time the town's people would be peeping through the openings of their firmly shuttered windows. (Which one are you ..?) When life returns to normal, everyone thanks the good guy and it is business as usual. That is exactly what is happening in cyberworld. Some good guy finds a way of preventing spam or virus going his way, he gets thanked through sales of an anti-something. What happens to the common enemy? He is still there somewhere lurking and causing havoc. He has simply relocated from one part of the territory to another, could even be behind some little hill or big mountanous place. It becomes a 'no go' area.
I say we raise a common army to fight the common enemy we know, right?
What's your take on this matter?

To your peace and prosperity

8th August 2007

Friday, 3 August 2007

Eureka! Eureka! I found it! Ifound it! ...

Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! I found it! OOhh praise God! I found it!
(the year? 1997!)

"Joe, hey Joe, wake up, wake up. what is it? What have you found? What's going on?" Then my eyes opened and I looked straight at my wife who had just woken me up. As I got more awake I too asked her what was happening. Then she said to me, "you have been shouting excitedly 'eureka! eureka!' and you woke me up. What is it that you have found, do you know what time this is?" "Never mind the time", I said to her, "it is real, Maggie, it is real". "What is real?", she asked me, "what are you talking about? Are you ok or you are having a bad dream?" She asked me. Then I began to speak to her as one who had authority concerning what I had just discovered, the internet.

You see my dear I was not dreaming, the lord took me in a vision. He gave me an opportunity to have a glimpse of His gift to mankind, just as he had prophesied to the prophet Daniel several thousand years ago about the increase in knowledge in the world. We are in that era where knowledge has increased exponentially and it keeps multiplying everyday. The internet is a wonderful discovery of our time and my prayer is that humanity will treasure this gift. It is not out of our intellect that this has come, no, it is a wonderful gift from the Lord for us to use wisely for positive development of our communities which the internet is linking into what we are now calling the global village. You see, we are only able to 'shrink' the world much more effectively by using the internet. Just imagine I do not have to travel all the way from Zambia to Europe, America or Asia for me to attend a meeting or indeed do business or preach! I can be right here at home with you and be in a 'live' meeting anywhere in the world. A specialist doctor can be in his surgery in the US but attending to a very sick patient somewhere in the jungles of Asia. That is how useful this internet thing is meant to be.

Then Maggie looked at me and said, "I have heard there are many evil things going on there, I mean on the internet do you want to...". Before she could fininsh I said to her, "You see my dear, wherever good abounds, evil will also come and encroach. Remember the story of Job in the bible? He was good but Satan went to the Lord and said all manner of evil just to get Job destroyed. But you see the ending of Job's life? He was focused on the truth in God and the Lord rewarded him. Man is in the same shoes as Satan, always wanting to manifest more evil than good. Look at all the wars from time immemorial. Man has failed to live in harmony with himself. We create all manner of evil things to fight the good in us. Just check out the amount of money the world spends on weaponry for killing man compared to what is alloted to taking care of the needy in our world. I will leave that to your good judgement!" But even though Man has elements within him that always lead him into wanting to self destruct, on our part we must focus on the truth that is in the internet. Yes there's a lot of good in it and I truly believe the internet is a great gift from our Lord for us to use wisely and who knows when everyone's eyes become open to the truth it shall surely triumph over the bad which is making the good people shy away from being part of the cyberworld!

So, I continued to explain to my dear Maggie that what I had discovered in the internet was a tool that all of us good minded people can make use of to improve our lot so that we can become better citizens of our world. Look at the amount of information and the technology available to us through the internet. With the internet we can trully be our brothers' keeper. With the internet we can cover every area of our lives such as in communication, health, spirituality, all manner of technology, including matters of climate change! the list goes on and on. You know as we collectively collaborate on the internet in truth we will begin to 'walk in agreement' with one another. We will begin to feel close to each other, break the artificial barriers, have love for one another and then who knows, we will together confront the common enemy and find lasting peace and prosperity. This could be the 'last frontier'.

So I have decided to enter this cyberworld in order to be part of the solution, to contribute to the well being of my fellow citizens of this global village. To be of benefit to those that I will be able to appeal and reach out to. So I welcome you dear visitor to my site. I pray that as much as I want to reach out to you and be of benefit to you I will appreciate if we could truly dialogue you and me through this blog, meaning I welcome your 'constructive' communication. Dialogue is two way so please leave a comment. If you feel like continuing in fellowship with me concerning the topics I will be posting here on matters of life on the internet (or is it life in cyberworld?) please subscribe to the e-mail feed on this site so that you do not miss a thing. I appreciate your doing so. God bless you and yours.

=====Begin side Note========
Recently I signed up for a work from home online business with the Lord's permission. Interestingly I have signed up with a company which was one of the few I took an interest in soon after my "eureka discovery" of the internet around 1996/97. At that time I felt a great potential in this company but well, I never did anything about it because it was not in my "line of business interest". Besides, I did not even understand the on-line terms anyway. But recently, nearly 10 years on, I decided to check them out again. Surprise, surprise, the company is still alive and growing still no hype, just as I saw and felt then.

The line of products is truly impressive and being an IT man myself I see a lot of integrity in this company's products which include website designing (design your site without any html coding knowledge), hosting and more. I also think they have one of the best affiliate programs on-line too! Go sign up here. When I 'came back' to the internet recently, I knew the Lord had set me up again. I did not hesitate. I joined the affiliate program and bought the site builder product. Price? Reasonable I suppose, if you compare with some of the overly hyped products of the same type. The quality too is good. Hey..lemme not push you, after all seeing is believing right, yes? Yes! There is a lot here to benefit from, especially trust and integrity. If YOU have been thinking of "going on-line" but have questions, start from here. Go check them out. You won't regret. I am still happy and the support is fantastic!
====End side Note==========

Next topic, I will be voicing out my "feelings" on SPAM and Virus. This is enemy No.1 as far as my experience in cyber-kingdom goes.
Thank you.

The WordSmith.

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